Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our thoughts were good...

I woke up this morning expecting to go on a short day trip to a historical fort nearby that we've been wanting to go to. This was shot down before I even woke up due to the temp. Then we wanted to go bowling in the morning, but no bowling alley in the area had open bowling this morning. Then we went to buy new sneakers, but the store had no sneakers in my boys sizes. Now I'm sitting here typing with the rest of the family upstairs in bed- disappointed that they didn't get to do what they wanted to do.

I wonder why we all get so upset when we don't get to do what we want to do- we should just be happy to be together. We should just be happy to live in a nice place in the greatest country in the world (at least in my opinion). But we're not. We all want more. We want everyday we have together to be the best day ever instead of being content with just having a day together.

Lord, help me to be more content with just being.
Please help my family to be happy with just being.
Please help us to find ways to have fun together.
Please help us to be the best us we can be.
Help us to do this all together.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life is good...

As I was putting (N), (E) and (I) to bed tonight- a little grumpy that I ended up being the one to lay with (I)- something dawned on me while I was saying the Lord's Prayer with them. I love my boys and there is no place better than to be snuggling with one of them (to my wife- sorry I was so grumpy). (I) put his right thumb in his mouth and his left hand on my arm (which is far better than where he usually puts it). It just felt right.

Due to a few things- I have been at home a lot lately, but today I wasn't. I came home in time to fire up the grill and cook bacon cheeseburgers (not healthy, but quite yummy!)Then I took (N) to baseball practice- then I ran to the store- then it was time for bed. It wasn't until I was laying there with (I) that I realized that he had missed me- and I had missed him too.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Gotta love people...

I was at the school board meeting tonight and someone got up and basically said that if the high school went back to 8 periods (from 9)that the kids would miss study hall, so it didn't matter- but a tax hike of 21% was unacceptable. He then said that if the kids wanted to do more- they could give up lunch.

I had to respond to this-my high schooler already has given up lunch in order to take all of the classes he wishes to take. Also- if this guy had been to the open community task force meeting last week- he would have learned that taxes will only go up if the property was reassessed this year.

Not to bore everyone with the details, but it takes all of my patience to not scream at uninformed people such as this guy. He spoke like he was an expert on the budget, when in reality, he knew nothing about it.

I'm often amazed at how many people will spout off about something, but know nothing about it. I have a lot of fun with these people at election time. Often when I get a call from one of the political parties (it doesn't matter which one- I'll argue for either side because I feel that the best way to decide is to come up with an argument for each person and then decide who has the most convincing argument- I almost never vote for someone because they're not someone else- not a good enough reason for me), but I digress- I like to take the opposite side and see if the person on the phone will just give the party line, or will they say something original or thought provoking. Usually, they just give the party line.

Looking forward to C's baseball practice tomorrow (last week's was rained out)- it should be fun.

In peace...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Preparing for the rest of the week

The rest of this week should prove to be interesting. Tomorrow- number 2 son- C- has his first baseball practice- ever. C is a great kid, but he hates to practice. So it should be interesting.

Afterwards- the men's bible study/ beer brewing group at church (remember- I'm Lutheran- beer is definitely allowed- in a responsible way, of course). For some reason, I was reluctant to go at first, but since I've been going- I hate to miss. There is something about hanging with a group of dads- talking about being a dad. Talking about the issues we and our families face. We usually do a bible discussion and we sometimes brew beer (which a month or so later we will drink). The beer sometimes is good, occasionally undrinkable and occasionally great, but it is always made with Christian fellowship and friendship.

Thursday evening should prove to be the interesting one- there is a community task force meeting regarding the proposed school budget. Due to the leaders in Albany who are quick to cut everything but their own budgets- the school district will be losing about 4 million dollars in funding. If the district closes 1 elementary school and reduces staff by 7 and cuts back on capital expenditures- the taxes will need to go up by about 21%. If the budget fails in the May vote- the taxes will still have to go up by 9% just to pay the mandated and necessary bills. This ought to be a whopper of a meeting.

Now, to hold up my pledge to try to make you smile...

earlier today, my almost 3 yo (in June)took his clothes off (he's potty training and often prefers to be naked) and he climbed on the dining room table and began to dance. Although I would be mortified if my 15yo did this- there is something funny and innocent about the little guy doing it.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I wonder...

I have been wanting to start blogging for a couple of years now, but I have always been afraid that I would write a blog and nobody would read it. I still worry about that, but I'm writing this anyway.

A little about the person behind the writing:

I have been married to S for almost 16 1/2 years and together we have 5 boys and we recently found out that we have a girl on the way. We are regular church goers- we belong to a congregation in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)- the liberal Lutherans (which is a bit of an oximoron because Lutherans are known for many things, but being liberal is not usually one of them). I have been to seminary, but am not a pastor. This is for many reasons, but the main one is that I view things a little differently than traditional Lutherans do (I have been told that I am not 'Lutheran' enough).

Politically- I am middle of the road- conservative on some issues- liberal on others- usually ticking off both sides.

Musically- I love classic rock (The Kinks, Billy Joel, Chicago, The Who...); showtunes especially shows like South Pacific and Brigadoon. I don't particularly like Andrew Lloyd Webber, but understand that others do, so I fugure- to each their own.

I can't promise that I will post everyday, but I will try to. I hope that you enjoy my posts.